Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Generated code, like fish, begins to smell after three days.
Agreed. Thanks, http://linemanjs.com/

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mythology and Software Developers

Laurent Bossavit in The Making of Myths:
We could have constructed a different myth, one in which the canonical image of a programmer depicted the activity "talking to a person who's going to use the software, to figure out what their needs are and how best to support them."
Yes, that would be much better. I pledge to avoid playing broken telephone with those that really need the software I build, and I encourage my peers to do the same.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Git Submodules for Ansible Roles

Not totally sure this is the right way to do it, but here is what I want to achieve, and how I do it:

For different apps I want to use Ansible for setup/deployment, using my own roles, and I want to re-use those roles between apps. I could have everything in one directory tree (living in git for version control), but that means keeping deployment configuration for all apps in a single repo; I would rather like to have those configurations separated.

I couldn't find any authoritative info on how to do this, so here's my approach.

  • Every role lives in its own git repo. An example is Vincent Rischmann's ansible-role-java.
  • Every app (or project) has its own git repo for its Ansible configuration (inventory definition and playbooks etc.).
  • The app repo has a roles sub directory. Actual roles (e.g. the java role) are then added as git submodules.

git submodule add https://github.com/vrischmann/ansible-role-java.git roles/java

and, voilá, Vincent's role is now available as a role 'java' in my project's Ansible configuration.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Node's http-proxy to simulate high latency

For testing a web app under "worse" connectivity conditions than I normally have on my dev machine, I created a proxy to increase latency. With Node's http-proxy this was surprisingly simple:

In a new directory, create app.js like this:
var http = require('http'),    httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// initialize parametersvar listenPort = 5001,  destinationPort = 5000,  delay = 1000;
// router optionsvar options = {  router: {    '.*': 'localhost:' + destinationPort  }};
// create server and listenvar server = httpProxy.createServer(function(req, res, next) {  var delayedResponse = function() {    next();  };  setTimeout(delayedResponse, delay);}, options);server.listen(listenPort);
Install http-proxy (assuming you are using npm):
npm install http-proxy
And kick it:
node app.js
Making hard coded parameters configurable is left as an exercise to the reader. Hint: process.argv gives you access to command line arguments in Node.

Note that this is *not* simulating low bandwidth, just a sleepy server with high latency; once the delay is over, the proxy will respond with all bandwidth available. Thus, this approach isn't generally suitable to simulate a slow network connection.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Understanding CQRS, What I've Read

First, I read Kanasz Robert's article, which gave me a rough understanding of typical terminology, but otherwise left me with a feeling of "this is rather complicated and confusing".

Second, I read Greg Young's summary, which went back to basics, and untangled CQRS nicely from Event Sourcing, Task Based UI and Eventual Consistency. Thanks for that!

Next on my reading list is this PDF. It does not specify authorship, but the About Page of the related Blog contains some info.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Getting mysql2 gem installed on OS X 10.9

Basically, I had the issue described here: http://www.randomactsofsentience.com/2013/05/gem-install-mysql2-missing-mysqlh-on-os.html

The important hint for me was to check mkmf.log (deep under under ~/.rvm, as I'm using rvm).

The error I got was that the '-arch' flag wasn't recognized by the C compiler. I removed the flag from /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config, around line 120), then it compiled okay.

This isn't a perfect solution, as I probably broke mysql_config when using another compiler (currently I'm using /usr/bin/cc):

$ cc --version
Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix